Friday, December 27, 2019
Top 5 Strategies for Landing a Job on Capitol Hill
Top 5 Strategies for Landing a Job on Capitol HillTop 5 Strategies for Landing a Job on Capitol HillMany young people with their newly printed political science, public policy and law degrees set their sights on Capitol Hill as a place to get their feet wet in the national political scene. They dream of working long nights crafting legislation, talking points, and press releases. They cant wait to get neck-deep in Washington politics and policymaking. But these people dont start in the thick of political drama. First, they have to master making coffee and copies. And only after performing well on menial tasks do they get to start taking on tasks theyve daydreamed about since they decided they wanted to work on Capitol Hill. Earning a job in a congressional schreibstube is not easy. The competition is stiff. Hundreds of well-qualified twenty- and thirty-somethings apply to the lowliest of jobs. So how do you emerge from such strong applicant pools? Here are five strategies you can emp loy to help you land a job on Capitol Hill. Network The best way to make your name more than just another collection of letters at the top of a resume is to meet people on Capitol Hill. Most applicant pools for congressional office jobs are loaded with people who had the quintessential college careers for work on Capitol Hill, but if you can be the one person who is a known commodity, you have an edge. And it doesnt have to be a huge advantage to pay off. It can be as simple as being the person who made an appointment to talk with the legislative director and then made a good impression. Think about who you know who knows someone important in politics. The connection can be a family friend, a professor, a former employer... anyone The trick is to find one or more paths from you to the person hiring entry-level staff in a congressional office. If you have no idea where to start, see if you can get a meeting with the district director for your congressman. Consider it both a learn ing experience and job interview. You probably wont get the job at the first meeting, but you definitely can lose it. Prepare well, and make yourself look good. Volunteer for Campaign Work To the victor go the spoils. No doubt youve heard the saying. In American politics, it means elected officials can help those who helped him or her get elected. And when a Republican ousts a Democrat or vice-versa, there is a considerable amount of churning among congressional staffers. Sure, the campaign manager is going to have his or her pick of choice jobs like thechief of staff, legislative director or communications officer, but there are many jobs to be handed out. Now, not every person working on a campaign can get a job right away, but if you prove yourself as dedicated and hardworking, you stand a good chance of at least getting a bit of help in moving your career forward. It may take working on a few campaigns before you get your opportunity at a Capitol Hill job, but keep doing goo d work, and good things will happen eventually. Move to Washington, DC Moving to a city especially an expensive city like Washington, DC is a risky move when you dont have a job. But doing so can give you an edge when it comes to Capitol Hill jobs. First, living in DC gives you more opportunities to meet people who can help you in your career. You can introduce yourself to people you meet, ask them about their jobs and tell them about your career aspirations. Who knows? They might be able to help you. And if you run into enough people, youre bound to get some help. The second reason to move to DC is hiring managers in congressional offices are more likely to interview people who already live in the area. Youre already in town, and that gives you more flexibility in scheduling. After all, hopping on the DC Metro will get you to an interview much more quickly than booking a flight to Dulles, Reagan or Baltimore. Plus, you wont incur travel expenses each time you have an intervie w. Sure, youre going to have to find roommates, and youre probably going to live in an apartment that is way too small for the number of people living there. But youre pursuing your dream, and its going to require some sacrifices. And youre going to have the same living situation once you land a low-paying entry-level job on Capitol Hill. Use the Senate Placement Office Each congressional office is its own employing entity. There is no central human resources office supporting members of Congress. However, they do have some help. In the Senate, help comes from the Senate Placement Office. The Senate Placement Office performs two key functions for senators offices and committees. One, they advertise vacant jobs. They do this through Senate Employment Bulletin. Each job posting has information about the employing senator or committee, job duties and how to apply. The other main function of the Senate Placement Office is maintaining a resume bank. Hiring managers in senators office s can ask the Senate Placement Office to refer qualified candidates. It only takes three steps to put yourself in the mix. First, you create an online profile. Second, you input your resume. Third, you participate in an informational interview. Remember, this only gets your resume into a big pile of others, so this cant be your only strategy for getting a Capitol Hill job. Use the House Vacancy Announcement and Placement Service Much like the Senate Placement Office serves particular human resources needs for Senate offices and committees, the House Vacancy Announcement and Placement Service supports House offices and committees. This placement office publishes the House Employment Bulletin and keeps a resume bank. Again, signing up to receive the House Employment Bulletin and putting your resume in the bank cannot be your only steps toward your internship or congressional staffer job. Work as many angles as you can. You never know which ones will pay off.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Robotic Suits May Transform Manufacturing
Robotic Suits May Transform Manufacturing Robotic Suits May Transform Manufacturing Robotic Suits May Transform ManufacturingWearable powered or unpowered robotic suitsmetal frameworks fitted with motorized muscles to multiply the wearers strengthare set to dramatically change the manufacturing industry.In 2003, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, created Bleex, a robotic device that attaches to the lower body to complement the users strength. Fourteen years later, variations of these devices, which go by a number of names, including robotic exoskeleton and exosuit, are used primarily in health care rehabilitation. They allow wearers to operate, for example, a paralyzed limb, and help stroke victims move limbs as they regain strength and range of motion, says Dan Kara, robotics researcher at ABI Research, a technology market research company in New York.In 2014, the ReWalk system became the first personal robotic exoskeleton to be approved by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration. The battery-powered robotic suit, from ReWalk Robotics of Yokneam, Israel, attaches to the legs and lower back. It contains motors at the knee and hip joints and sensors to help it adjust with each footfall. While wearing the device and holding two forearm crutches, someone with complete lower-limb paralysis can walk.The full-body, wearable exoskeleton from Ekso Bionics is used to help paralyzed patients walk. Image Ekso BionicsBecause the suits are expensivethe ReWalk suits cost about $80,000their makers have looked to uses in other industries. Manufacturing, agriculture, and construction were obvious matches because the suits could be worn to enhance strength, Kara says.In manufacturing, the exosuits augment human motion to allow for more lifting strength and for improved production on repetitive tasks like squatting, bending, or walking, Kara says. Worker wearing the suits will also be less prone to severe injuries from accidents or overwork. Worker overexertion c osts U.S. employers around $15 billion annually in compensation, he adds.When bending forward while wearing an exoskeleton from SuitX, compressed-air springs in the back of the suit take some of the lifting load off the wearer. A shoulder unit uses a similar assist-mechanism for lifting or working overhead, says Homayoon Kazerooni, chief executive officer at SuitX of Berkeley, CA, which makes exoskeleton systems for the legs, backs, and shoulders as well as a full-body version.ABI Research forecasts the robotic exoskeleton market will reach $1.8 billion in 2025, up from $68 1000000 in 2014. This year, about 6,000 suits will be sold, mainly for rehabilitation. By 2025, ABI expects to see about 2.6 million on the market thanks to adoption by the manufacturing and construction industries.Still, the suits have yet to see widespread adoption within factories and plants. Thats slowly changing as implementations begin.Audi is using the Chairless Chair from Noonee to ease production workers strain. Image Audi.Since the end of 2016/beginning of 2017, the BMW Group Plant in Spartanburg, SC has deployed 66 Airframe Exoskeletons from Levitate Technologies, San Diego, CA, which provide shoulder support, and multiple Chairless Chair units from the Swiss company Noonee.The EksoWorks Vest is a shoulder and arm support exoskeleton with a headrest designed to alleviate the strain of continuously working with heavy tools above waist level. It uses no power, but provides ergonomic upper body and arm support that makes objects seem to weigh much less than they do and enables a worker to operate in a factory line posture without fatigue, according to Ekso Bionics.The Chairless Chair locks into distributions-mix when a worker has to crouch or stand for prolonged periods. It reduces the pressure on the knee and the rest of the leg.Both the chairless chair and the should and arm support suits sell for about $5,000 each, far less than the suits mean to help those who are paralyzed walk .Eleven lower-body exoskeletons are already in use across several BMW Group plants in Germany. The exoskeleton consists of movable splints affixed to the legs or torso and locked in different positions. The leg support structure can transform prolonged standing into sitting to improve the comfort and flexibility of working conditions, says Christian Dunckern, Head of BMW Group production system, planning, toolmaking, and plant engineering.It will be possible to further reduce ergonomically unfavorable and strenuous tasks, giving workers an opportunity to apply their cognitive skills to the best effect, he says.German carmaker Audi is also using the Chairless Chain in production.We also anticipate new applications for colleagues with reduced physical capabilities, says Mathias Keil, head of industrial engineering methods at Audi AG.Parker Hannafin, Cyberdyne, Rex Bionics, and other companies currently make these suits, most of which were first created in tandem with military develope rs.For BMW Group, the exoskeletons complement other robotic and factory digitization efforts. They push robotics down to the operator level by allowing production-line workers to benefit from the robots strength, Dunckern says.BMW may bring in more exosuits in the future, after further evaluation, he adds.In the time of smart devices and digitalization, we must still keep an eye on the added value the applied technology offers to the company, Dunckern says. Nobody is better qualified to judge this than the people who actively shape our production system on a daily basis.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer. For Further Discussion Nobody is better qualified to judge this value than the people who actively shape our production system on a daily basis.Christian Dunckern, Head of BMW Group
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Pros and Cons of Getting a Corporate Credit Card
Pros and Cons of Getting a Corporate leistungspunkt Card Pros and Cons of Getting a Corporate Credit Card A corporate card sounds like a great perk, but dontforget the fine print.Most importantly, you need to clarify whether youre being offered a corporate card or a business leistungspunkt card. They may sound like the saatkorn thing, but theyre actually a little different. One key distinction Where business credit cards are concerned, employees are personally responsible if the company fails to make good on the payments not so with corporate cards.Corporate credit cards are a breed all their own. They come with some pretty nice benefits, but also a few drawbacks that are worth your attention. Consider these pros and cons before going all in.Pros of a Corporate Card1. Your Personal Credit Is Out of the MixWhen you receive a corporate credit card, the monthly billgoes directly to your employer. Your corporate card activity isnt reflected on your personal credit report because your c ompanytakes full responsibility for any expenses you charge. Your only responsibility is to use your corporate card in accordance with your companys policies. (Put another way Keep all personal expenses off this card.)Keeping work-related expenses away from your personal credit history has some other benefits as well. If you were to use a personal card, work charges would increase your credit utilization ratio (a.k.a., the amount of available credit youre currently using). This ratio makes up 30 percent of your FICO Score. Translation Carrying work debt from month to month could bring down your credit score.2. You Dont Have to Wait for ReimbursementsTheres definitely a convenience factor to having a corporate credit card. Using a personal credit card to pay for business expenses means waiting for your employer to pay you back.If you are flush with cash and can just pay it off and afford to wait for your reimbursement to come in, thats not going to be too much of an issue, says Bever ly Harzog,credit card expert and consumer finance analyst for US News World Report. If youre a person who lives paycheck to paycheck, waiting for that reimbursement can get a little dicey for you.3. The Card Isnt a Concern When You Exit the CompanyWhen the time comes for you to leave your company, your employer will cancel your corporate card. This wont affect your credit, since activity on the card doesnt show up on your credit report.However, if you were granted a business card - which is connected to your personal credit history - closing down that line of credit would reduce your available credit limit and increase your credit utilization ratio. As a result, your credit score could fall.Cons of a Corporate Card1. You Wont Reap Any Credit Card RewardsUnfortunately, you probably wont be able to cash in on any rewards you accumulate with your corporate credit card.Many people want to use their own cards because they can earn rewards, Harzog says. With a corporate card, those rew ards points just get funneled back to your employer instead.Some companies might make some sort of arrangement or exception, she adds. But, in general, you should not expect to be getting those rewards if youre using a corporate card.In other words Dontplan to cover your next vacations airfare with miles accumulated from your businesspurchases.2. You May Feel Pressured to Use It - Even When You ShouldntHaving a corporate credit card in your wallet does not give you license to whip it out whenever you want. Every company has its own set of guidelines around employee spending, and straying from them could put you in hot water.Youre held accountable for your expenses, even if youre not filling out an expense report, says Harzog. If you cant justify your expenses, its going to make you look bad and could put your job at risk, so practice setting boundaries.- Corporate credit cards are nice in that they keep your work expenses separatefrom your personal spendingand leaveyour credit scor e intact. The major downside is youll miss out on earning rewards. At the end of the day, only you can decide whether thats a worthwhile trade.Marianne Hayes is a longtime freelance writer and content marketing specialist.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
What we know about the big Google Docs phishing attack
What we know about the big Google Docs phishing attackWhat we know about the big Google Docs phishing attackUsers of Gmails Google Docs, the popular cloud-based rival to Microsoft Word, were struck by a sophisticated phishing attack that swept through their networks. The scam appeared to start with influential users and spread rapidly over the course of a couple of hours in the middle of the workday on May 3.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Solutions to Good Resume Objective Statements
Solutions to Good Resume Objective Statements The Appeal of Good Resume Objective Statements So, writing an objective is important and enhances your odds of selection. Each guide consists of step-by-step explanations and examples, which means you know just how to create a winning one. Objective statements ought to be customized to reflect your specific skills. It is always considered as an important part of your resume. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. Resume objectives are written in addition to your resume. Getting the Best Good Resume Objective Statements Needless to say, there are lots of discussions on whether objective are even essential to have on a resume but it wouldnt hurt if you were able to come with something thats well-tailored for the accountant position youre applying for. From time to time, youre asked a question you dont know the response to, but have enough info or observation to generate an educated guess. In lots of ways, an objective r eplaces a lot of the detail you would set in your professional experience section. The point is quite simple. When creating your supervisor resume objective, you must make sure you tailor it to both the job which youre applying for and the particular companya generic objective isnt a good idea. If youre applying for at least one different kind of job, theres a great possibility you will neglect to update your resume objective statement. No matter your degree of work knowledge, your resume structure is crucial to making your program stick out. Knowing the fundamental steps of writing a good resume does not indicate you have to write alone. What resume format to choose There are plenty of formats that a resume can be shown, and nobody is much better than the other. You may also Simple Resume Template. Resumes may look like facets of the corporate Earth, but theyre increasingly needed for all types of entry level jobs. As a consequence the resume may be put under file. The D ebate Over Good Resume Objective Statements If youre arranging a move to another city, your present address may confuse the hiring manager. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since you likely dont have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the kind of career youre searching for. Your objective statement is the very first thing theyll see and read, as its the very first thing on the webpage. For folks that are arranging a career change, the resume objective gives the platform to talk about your story with the firm. In addition, there are job seekers that are trying to find the ideal job for the short-term. When there are times an Objective in a resume is essential, even critical, there are frequently times when it can work against the work seeker. You might think that you dont require a resume when applying for employment while youre still in high school. In addition, it can explain why youre qualified for the job, even if yo u do not own a lot of related experience. Good Resume Objective Statements Help Let your objective motivate a possible employer to read the remainder of your resume. Attempt to do a little bit of research on the organization youre applying to since the majority of the companies have various values. ausverkauf position where my abilities and experience can effectively be utilized to raise sales revenue. For instance, it might state some of your previous accomplishments, and move on to the types of accomplishments you want to achieve in the future (ideally, accomplishments you need to achieve for the organization youre applying to work for). Top Good Resume Objective Statements Choices Career objective statement has an important role in regards to creating an instant fantastic effects in the mind of the interviewer. In most instances, a resume objective is merely a couple of sentences long. In the end, stating an objective is optional, but it might help convince employers th at you understand what you need and know the business. It should tie into the job you are seeking. Many job seekers dont land the position since they did not incorporate an objective statement. You are able to pick any one of the aforementioned statements which perfectly complements the work description issued by the potential employer. For instance, a job applicant could be interested in both an overall management team position, together with an advertising job. As previously mentioned, if he has multiple objectives, then theyre going to need several versions.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Tackling high school work experience
Tackling high school work experience Tackling high school work experiencePosted October 13, 2011, by Helen Isbister Getting involved in work experience during your last years of high school can be a good way to test-drive careers. Sampling a few jobs will help you decide what you may, or may not, want to do when you jump into the workplace for real. It will also come in handy since employers look for work experience on resumes especially when it comes to newcomers who dont have much else to platzdeckchen them apart. Whether you end up pursuing the career later on or not, you will learn some valuable lessons about the big wide working world. Do your research, prepare and tackle your high school work experience with enthusiasm so that you get more out of it than a week fetching skim decaf lattes. Do your research The first step, as simple as it sounds, is to do something you think you will enjoy. Dont sign up for a week in a hospital if you hate the sight of blood, or go to a womens magazine if you dont care who Jennifer Lopez was married to last week. Scout around for opportunities that interest you. Have a chat with your school career adviser about what you enjoy doing and they will try and match you up with a job that suits your talents, interests and the subjects you are studying. Alternatively, your friends and family might have some cool contacts so do a bit of research and ask around. You can also take a bit of initiative and contact the HR department, or check the website, of a company to ask them about work experience possibilities. Some larger companies are limited to taking only a few work experience students each year and these spots can be in quite high demand. So if you know what you want to do, plan well ahead to make sure you dont miss out Be prepared Once you have locked yourself in for a stint of work, spend a bit of time preparing for what lies ahead. Disorganisation is a fatal flaw when it comes to work experience. Make sure you know exactly what it is the company that youre going to be working for does so there are no nasty surprises on your first day. Surf around on the website beforehand to get a feel for the company culture and have a good idea of the services they offer. Many students find themselves rocking up only to be shunted into the corner while everyone goes about their daily business not even knowing the work experience kid exists. Make sure its clear who you should report to that way if you find yourself in a lull, you can ask them for some more work. Being punctual and arriving on time is also crucial for work experience jobs. Its important to treat this as a real job and leave a good impression because you just never know what it could lead to down the track. So dont waltz into the sekretariat at 11 am, take a two-hour lunch break and say your farewells an hour before anyone else clocks off. This kind of behaviour will just get you branded as a slacker. On the job When you are on the job, act professi onal. Likewise, make sure you dress appropriately. If youre going to work in a corporate office, you dont want to turn up in fishnets. There are different expectations and practicalities for work clothes in different professions. As a rule of thumb, play it safe and dont wear anything too outrageous or casual. If youre in doubt about the appropriate attire, dont be afraid to ask the person supervising you before your first day begins. If you look the part, the other workers are more likely to take you seriously and involve you. No matter how boring it is, dont look like you are bored. Sitting in the corner looking less than impressed when you are given something slightly tedious to do will get you nowhere. Offering to carry out tasks will not only subtly steer you away from the less favourable ones, but also show that you are enthusiastic and capable of taking things on. Offering to do things like the tea or coffee round is an easy way to get known and liked. Dont be afraid to ask questions to get an insight into the job find out what people do, how they got into the job and what they like and dislike about their career. Learn as much from this experience as you can. Know your place Another way to make your work experience a good experience is to know your place. Dont swan into the office making demands, expecting to attend a fashion show, interview the latest Hollywood star, or start taking control of the restaurant kitchen like the winner of MasterChef. Work experience is just that experience. Sure, you wont be given loads of responsibility or the glamour jobs, but at least you are getting a feel for the industry, meeting new people and finding out what work is actually like. Everyone has to start somewhere. The employer is doing you, and your school, a favour by offering to pass some of their wisdom on to you and help you determine which career path you wish to walk down in the future. Treat them with the respect and gratitude they deserve. Who knows, if theyre really happy with you, they might agree to be a referee on your resume and help you get your next real job. Make the most of it fruchtwein importantly, learn from the experience. Even if you dont enjoy the job, at least its helping you work out what you dont want to do. Plus, work experience is extremely character building. You will have met new people, gotten out of your comfort zone and learnt how to stand on your own two feet If you enjoy your work experience stint, be sure to stay in touch. It could lead to further work experience or even a job. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesuni tips and trickstips for surviving university lifeyear 10 work experience sydneywork experience melbourne ideaswork experience ideas sydney CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineHelen IsbisterRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCareer changeCareer counsellorCourses compared from the underrated to the overblownWhat do you want to get out of further study Employment prospects? A good salary? Job satisfaction? 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